Friday, July 13, 2012

A Window to the Past

    Forget class, let's go on a field trip! And a 14 hour one at that. Boy, was today packed. Back on to a bus for our trip around England. We made our way to the 1066 Battle of Hastings Abbey and Battlefield first. The place was very gorgeous. It has so much history in this one place. It is crazy to imagine it during war. Looking out over the fields and thinking of all those who lost their lives and the mayhem that went one. A much different picture than what you see today. It was very peaceful and serene. 
   We drove past the Cliffs of Dover. (I have to tell the truth, I was a little bitter we couldn't spend more time there. But the day was quite full.) The next stop was Canterbury Cathedral. This is where Archbishop Thomas Becket was martyred. There is even a shrine marking the exact spot it happened. After Thomas Becket was murdered the cathedral become a very important pilgrimage center during the medieval times. It has been said that many miracles took place inside. The place is very spiritual and beautiful. There was an organ being played during our visit. When we were walking through the corridors there was a soft whisper of a reverent kind of haunting. The history really intrigued me. It had the most amazing stain glass windows I have ever seen. During World War 2 they took out the windows to preserve them and then re-installed them. I am sure glad they did that because apparently the town was bombed and the only thing to survive was the cathedral but no way the windows would have lasted. 
   To end the day we had a group dinner and dessert. It really put the cheery on top of a great day. Or chocolate mousse for this matter.
 The group before the day. Also, our lovely Queen's Gate 123 building. Scaffolding and all. 
 Hastings Battlefield.
 Exploring Hastings Abbey with Anne and Miranda.
 Canterbury Cathedral.
 The spot Thomas Becket was killed.
Beautiful stain glassed windows. 

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