Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wilderness to Uptown Girl

   It is crazy that by the end of the day I don't even know where to begin my posts. I can't even remember what I did just a few hours earlier! I always go back and look at our agenda so I can keep track of the newest adventures! The day started off with us heading to Dublin! We went to Glendalough which is up in the mountains on the east side of Ireland. The scenery was a lot different than what we had been seeing. More rocks and evergreen trees. I know I say this a lot, but it was simply gorgeous. I think this rivals for the most beautiful stop we have made. On the way to St. Kevin's monastery from the 7th century we took some pictures off the side of the road. I literally jumped out of the coach, looked at the stream and ran up the hill to the ruins of an old home or church. It felt so good to get out and move after sitting in the coach for so long. Plus, the air was fresh and the mountain seemed to be calling my name! Can you believe there are these beautiful ruins just off the side of the road here in Ireland? No signs telling you not to climb on the rocks or walk on the grass. Just free space to enjoy.
   Once we made it to our real destination we walked along the pathway to find the monarch city which is where St. Kevin came to build his monastery. We strolled through the woods to the lower lake where we stopped to skip some rocks and take some pictures. There was a large round bell tower sitting in the middle of the site. It reminded me a lot of Tangled. Though, no princess lives there now. The cemetery was a different kind of beautiful. A bit Gothic and untouched. There were slanting tomb stones and ivy crawling up the side. 

   We ended the day with some free time in Dublin! The city is big and pretty. I didn't realize until halfway through our visit why the city felt a little different than all the other cities I have been to. There are no sky scrapers. Everything else had the city vibe. The busy streets, people walking, talking, shopping. The tallest building was probably five stories tall. I obviously did not explore the whole city but from what I noticed it was the most quaint city I had ever been in. If that even works to describe a city. We walked around and enjoyed the sites and did a little shopping. There is a problem though. I bought clothes! It has started. I think that once I start to notice cute things to buy I won't be able to stop! I mean, how fun is it to say that you bought it in Dublin. But I am sure I will be able to manage my money just fine. Clothes over food right? I can live on baguettes the rest of the trip...

 A stop off the side of the rode to Glendalough.
 Bell tower and cemetery at St. Kevin's monastery.  
 The Lower Lake.
 Dublin, Ireland. 
 Locks to represent love on a bridge in Dublin.

   Part of the group shopping in Dublin.

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