Sunday, August 5, 2012


    Not much to report for today. Which I knew would happen. I mean, we leave tomorrow. (I can’t believe we leave tomorrow.) And so we went to church, drove around Scotland’s countryside, visited Loch Lomond and checked into our hotel in Glasgow.  Packing was a high priority of the day. Most important Tetris game of my life. (Why did I buy some much!?) Kind of stressful because we have no scale, so who knows what my luggage weighs… I guess we will see tomorrow. (TOMORROW! I leave tomorrow. I think I am in denial.) 
    I know it is cliché but the only way to describe it is bittersweet. I have made friendships and memories that I know will last a life time. The big things like the castles, cathedrals and museums were important and really changed my perspective on the world. That aside, I don’t want to forget the little things. Card games like Moa, where Anne got a dozen or more penalty cards for “spreading germs”, randomly dancing in nearly every country we went to, hardcore parkour down the streets or England, watching Olympics, Dr. Eddington’s jokes over the microphone on the bus, Dr. Dewey always running everywhere, 360 degree photoshoots with Anne, buying so much chocolate and other crazy things we did. The trip really has changed me. Not in a way that those around me may notice, but I have seen a difference. My whole world has opened up. I know myself better, I know the world better, I think I understand life just a little bit more. Let’s just say, no one will understand all I have seen and done, and that is just fine. I realized this trip was about myself. I mean, when am I ever going to have a time like this again in my life? It has been so great. Survive and thrive is what Anne and I always said. It was tough, worth it, hard, awesome, crazy, and the best journey ever. 
 This is Caleb. He is my professors son and he is awesome.

Loch Lomond.

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